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RIVET is pleased to announce
Reggio Children in collaboration with NAREA

Mosaics of Marks, Words, Material
Exhibition + Atelier
of the Infant-Toddler Centers and Preschools of the Istituzione-Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy
is coming to Vermont!
Summer - Fall 2026
How do we view young children? What can we learn when we offer them opportunities to express their ideas, feelings, and theories about the complex world of today? How can we invite their teachers, families and communities to learn about and appreciate young children as artists, scientists, and philosophers?
These questions drive an initiative that is being led by RIVET (Reggio Inspired EarlyEducation Team) to bring the exhibition-
atelier Mosaic of Marks, Words, and Materials (https://www.reggiochildren.it/en/exhibitions/mosaic-of-marks-words-material/) to Vermont in the summer of 2026.
The Mosaic exhibition-atelier
(https://www.reggioalliance.org/mosaic-of-marks-words-material/) which will be touring North America over the next five years, includes images, artifacts and videos illuminating the use of materials of young children in the internationally renowned municipal infant toddler programs and preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. It offers a provocative and inspiring view of the potential of ALL young children as creative, curious and expressive learners.
In tandem with presence of the exhibit-atelier in Vermont, RIVET is planning workshops and studios for educators, families, the general public, and interested stakeholders prior to, during, and after the exhibition’s presence in Vermont.
RIVET has begun collaborating with the statewide early childhood community and educational institutions to integrate ongoing professional development and coursework throughout the state.
In connection with the presence of the Mosaic exhibition-atelier, RIVET will host The 22nd NAREA Summer Conference in collaboration with NAREA (https://www.reggioalliance.org/) and Reggio Children in June featuring the participation of educators from Reggio Emilia. The events slated to take place while the exhibit is in Vermont will offer abundant opportunities to interact with and learn about materials and media as children’s potential “100 languages” (https://www.reggiochildren.it/en/reggio-emilia-approach/100-linguaggi-en/).
Our ultimate goal is to offer Vermont's young children rich, interactive and meaningful learning environments in their programs, schools and homes by providing opportunities for the adults in their lives to engage with and dialogue about materials that support and promote the potential of all young children.
We welcome the participation and support of both the public and private sector! Please contact Jeanne Goldhaber (jeanne.goldhaber@uvm.edu) for more information about ways to be involved in this initiative!